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aiEDU: Branding for the future of education


The AI Education Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that creates equitable learning experiences that excite and empower students with AI literacy. 

While working as Creative Lead at aiEDU, I lead and developed a full brand overhaul to better target their diverse, young audience and empower educators with tailored, high-quality materials across their products and platforms.

This is a brand built for scalable, in-classroom products with big digital fundraising presence. 



Though vastly diverse, the education space is surprisingly small: this is especially true among companies that seek to provide free access to their products, as aiEDU does.


The first step in this branding process was to research aiEDU's co-petitors, lay some ground work for the concept, and make sure they stuck out among a world of STEM-minded, tech-forward, established online educational tools and the organizations that create them. 

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Elements of AI logo.png

What do we want aiEDU to look like?

During the research phase, I also began creating moodboards for different directions aiEDU could go (which you'll find below). It was incredibly helpful to define the aesthetics of co-petitors in what we liked, didn't like, and wanted to ultimately emulate while staying true to aiEDU and creating a brand that had more intention than the typical STEM education brand. 

We wanted aiEDU to...

  • Feel accessible to a large population of students, not just STEM, male students (which were historically catered to visually and programmatically in other organizations). 

  • Emulate FUN. This ethos is a huge part of aiEDU's north star and guides a lot of their product development. We were always asking ourselves: would students be excited to come to class when aiEDU materials were being taught?

  • Be scalable. This branding, though flexible, needed to guide design decisions across educational, marketing, and fundraising materials across print and digital platforms, in perpetuity.

  • Outlast trends. Though the aiEDU audience is young, it is an educational organization that tackles complex topics and social issues. The products they create are content-heavy and although they are fun and current, are not built around consumer aesthetics or within the silicon valley bubble. Thus, the brand system needed to cater to clear, simple visuals with potential for fun yet leave space for serious conversations around gender, race, the environment, and privacy.  


Organic + Educational

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Graphic Minimalism + Monotone 

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Retro Busy-Bodied

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amit

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Color-Blocked Contemporary w/ Maximalist Illustrations

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Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,sed 

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We landed somewhere between the later two concepts, hoping to meld this desire for school-like aesthetics (think magic schoolbus) with an eccentric, diverse and modern flare. 

The illustration style also followed this principal- detailed, busy, and ambiguous in tone (to enable more poignant, systemic scenes without feeling like parody) while also having room for fun, small moments. Also, having representations of all kinds of people of difference races, backgrounds, abilities, and bodies was an essential "must" of these illustrations that would play the largest part in aiEDU graphics. 

illsutration 1.png

brand illustrations


logo development

Many versions of a simple- text forward logo were developed during the design process. During the research phase, it was decided that a simple, sans-serif yet playful logo would be the correct direction. Because complex illustrative elements would be the basis of much of aiEDU content online and in-classroom, the logo would have to be able to stand on its own while having the versatility to fit into any scene. 

Some frameworks I had going into this logo design:

  • The AI Education Project, though their business entity name, was long-winded and difficult to use in a graphic sense. So, "AIEDU" was to be used in some form, pronounced "A.I. Ed." It had always been used in a written sense, as "AIEDU," but a shift to using this short name as branding was desired. 

  • Logo needed to be readable at many sizes, and scaled for educational materials, merchandise, and other applications. 

  • Needed to possess a youthful, playful sense of form to reflect the rest of the branding.

Some early versions of the logo:

Group 2.png
Group 3.png
Layer 2-1.png
Group 1.png
Layer 2-2.png
Layer 2.png
Layer 2-3.png
Layer 3.png
Layer 5.png
Layer 4.png
Layer 2-4.png

Ultimately, we landed on a version of the logo that featured a bold, geometric sans-serif type (based on Poppins, a Google Font) that featured lowercase "ai" and uppercase "EDU." 

Group 190.png
Group 185.png
Layer 1.png


The main goal of this rebrand was to provide aiEDU with a simple, direct, and centralized brand guide. This guide would help lead website development, marketing materials, and product (educational materials) design. 

So, here it is!  

Special thanks to the Awasu Design team and Alex Moulton, Chief Creative Officer @ Trollback + Company for their individual donated advisory time during this process.

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