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Little Flame Book Club


This project explores a conceptual book club, tackling character design in a sleek, joyful style. Personal project.

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Asset 3.png

I began my process of creating these characters by sketching out many different versions of the same character in poses that stimulated both action and the act of reading. They needed to be fluid, playful, and distinct in both proportion and features.


Pointy toes and fingers, a small but impactful head, glasses instead of eyes, a small line as an indication of a mouth: these features all help define the brand's figure not only as an individual, but also as a symbol with limitless potential for future iterations. 


The choice to remain almost monotone in style, using black, white, and a bubblegum pink, helped keep the designs warm and consistent. Though, other color ways were looked at and could easily be adapted for special campaigns and events.

Asset 5.png

The logo and forms also needed to fit into the same fluid style. The small flame represents knowledge and passion. Thus, its design was the driving force behind the figure's fluid nature and playful spirit. Fire is unpredictable, bright, and destructive. A smaller flame, like that of a lamp light or candle, is tamed yet still dances in light.

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